38-year-old Katniss Everdeen holding her seven-month-old baby Rye. Her sixty-three and old as HECK mother (still unnamed) staring at them from behind the couch. Peeta Mellark (same age as his wife/just girlfriend/whatever) holding his daughter, five-year-old Willow, and smirking at a 40-year-old Gale Hawthorne (dang!), who's going through an existential crisis while he keeps a (hold your ballsack) 42-YEAR-OLD Johanna Mason from biting a 44-year-old Annie Cresta's face off. Behind the couch, a very surgeried Effie Trinket, somewhere between 50 and 60 years old, and a 63-year-old Haymitch Abernathy who doesn't give an exact damn about anything anymore and has become an integral sugar daddy. He's scratching Johanna's hair like he still has a chance after she winked at him in that elevator twenty-one years ago. Anyway, playing cards down the coach are a 20-year-old Amorphus Odair and a 19-year-old Finnick Junior Hawthorne. Obviously, the winner is Finnick Junior, since he teached Amorphus how to play wrong on purpose so he always gets his lunch money. Someone's taking mama's genes.
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